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Expanded Deck Tech: Galarian Slowking VMax - Poison Box

Expanded Deck Tech: Galarian Slowking VMax - Poison Box

Rodrigo William

In this article, we'll explore this Expanded version of the very forgotten Galarian Slowking, now up...

Pokémon TCG Expanded Slowking

Standard Deck Guide: Grunter Hunter - A Partnership Between Warrior and Hunter!

Standard Deck Guide: Grunter Hunter - A Partnership Between Warrior and Hunter!

Pedro Fernandes

Grunter Hunter has been standing out in the last few weeks for its high win rate. In this article, w...

hearthstone standard hunter warrior decks

Standard Deck Guide: Rogue, Anti Meta Slowking (Japanese Tournament)

Standard Deck Guide: Rogue, Anti Meta Slowking (Japanese Tournament)

Rodrigo William

In today's article, we'll show you how this Slowking deck caught everyone by surprise in a Japanese ...

Pokémon TCG Standard Japan Slowking

Pauper: Jund Gardens - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Jund Gardens - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Jund Gardens mixes the full package of efficient black cards with splashes of green and red for powe...

Pauper JundGardens Deck Guide

The Gathering's Opinion: Commander Brackets and its impact

The Gathering's Opinion: Commander Brackets and its impact

Tabata Marques

Let's check out an analysis from different players about the changes to our beloved Commander Format...

cmd edh cedh

Expanded Deck Tech: Vaporeon VMax

Expanded Deck Tech: Vaporeon VMax

Rodrigo William

In this deck tech, we'll show you how powerful Vaporeon VMax is with Origin Forme Palkia VStar and S...

Pokémon TCG Vaporeon Expanded

Pauper: The Curious Case of Writhing Chrysalis

Pauper: The Curious Case of Writhing Chrysalis


Writhing Chrysalis is considered the most efficient creature in Pauper history due to the amount of ...

Pauper Bans MH3

Expanded Deck Tech: Aggron VMax - Metallic Pressure

Expanded Deck Tech: Aggron VMax - Metallic Pressure

Rodrigo William

Explore this Aggron VMax list that plays all the best Metal staples and is both extremely aggressive...

Pokémon TCG Expanded Aggron deck tech

Expanded Deck Tech: Flaeron VMax

Expanded Deck Tech: Flaeron VMax

Rodrigo William

Check out this Flareon VMax list that can deal up to 500 damage if you discard five energies from th...

Pokémon TCG Expanded Flareon

Pokémon Prize Pack 6: Promotional Boosters Announced for 2025!

Pokémon Prize Pack 6: Promotional Boosters Announced for 2025!

Rodrigo William

Check out details on the launch of the new crop of promotional boosters given in official Leagues, w...

Pokémon TCG PrizePack news

Metagame: Aetherdrift in Japan, US RC, and the Breach Decks Dilemma

Metagame: Aetherdrift in Japan, US RC, and the Breach Decks Dilemma


With over a thousand players, the US Regional Championship solidified Underworld Breach decks as the...

Standard Modern Metagame

Pokémon Pocket: Best NOEX Decks with Time-Space Smackdown

Pokémon Pocket: Best NOEX Decks with Time-Space Smackdown

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll go through the best Pokémon Pocket decks for the NOEX format, the "budget" fo...

guide pokémon pocket decks

Expanded Deck Tech: Jolteon VMax

Expanded Deck Tech: Jolteon VMax

Rodrigo William

In this article, we'll show you an Expanded list with Jolteon VMax that focuses on "sniper" attacks,...

Pokémon TCG Expanded Jolteon

The Hunted Review: How The New Set Will Impact Each Class

The Hunted Review: How The New Set Will Impact Each Class

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, let's review another Flesh and Blood set: The Hunted. We'll go over the new mech...

The Hunted Flesh and Blood Classic Constructed Blitz

Pauper: 5 Decks with Aetherdrift to try out!

Pauper: 5 Decks with Aetherdrift to try out!


In this article, we present five Pauper decklists featuring Aetherdrift cards to try after the relea...

Pauper Decklists Aetherdrift

Pauper: The Best Cards from Aetherdrift

Pauper: The Best Cards from Aetherdrift

Pacto das Guildas

Aetherdrift is the next Magic: The Gathering set! In today's article, we'll discuss a few commons fr...

pauper competitive metagame dft

The Best Paying Slots of All Time

The Best Paying Slots of All Time

Daniel Linhares

Slots have animated us for decades, filling the hearts of every casino lover with the instant thrill...


Skill vs. Luck: How Casino Games and Card Games Compare

Skill vs. Luck: How Casino Games and Card Games Compare

Daniel Linhares

Join us today as we examine the interplay between chance and skill in casino gaming and analyze thei...


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