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A Guide to Pauper Archetypes - Midrange

A Guide to Pauper Archetypes - Midrange


A compilation of decks that fit the Midrange category on Pauper, with a breakdown of their strategie...

pauper archetypes guide midrange

D&D Alignments: Everything you need to know

D&D Alignments: Everything you need to know

Renato Castro

Love them or hate them, they are still there and can be great tools. Want to learn more about alignm...

rpg alignments d&d guide

Explorer: Mardu Greasefang Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Explorer: Mardu Greasefang Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Mardu Greasefang is the deck that demonstrates the best results in Explorer's competitive landscape ...

mardu explorer deck tech

Pauper: Gruul Ponza Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Gruul Ponza Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

Today, we'll analyze Gruul Ponza in Pauper and how this deck is thriving in a Metagame filled with i...

pauper ld ponza gruul deck tech

PDH: Complete Guide for Pauper Commander Deckbuilding

PDH: Complete Guide for Pauper Commander Deckbuilding


In this guide, we'll see how to build a PDH deck from scratch, so you can play in your own style, wi...

deckbuilding pauper commander pdh

A Guide to Pauper Archetypes - Aggro

A Guide to Pauper Archetypes - Aggro


A compilation of archetypes that fit the Aggro category in Pauper, with a breakdown of their respect...

pauper archetypes guide aggro

Pauper: Mardu Affinity Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Mardu Affinity Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

Mardu Affinity, a great option at the moment. Let's see how and why this deck plays well against the...

pauper affinity deck tech

Explorer: Mono Red Aggro Budget Deck Tech & Upgrade Guide

Explorer: Mono Red Aggro Budget Deck Tech & Upgrade Guide


In today's article, I present a budget version of Mono Red Aggro in Explorer, with tips on how to pi...

explorer arena mono red budget

How to Stop Combos in Commander: Answers Guide pt. 3

How to Stop Combos in Commander: Answers Guide pt. 3

Felipe Torres

The third episode of my article series where I talk about combos used in Commander and ways to stop ...

edh commander combo

Standard: Esper Midrange Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Standard: Esper Midrange Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Thiago NileDeath

We will talk in detail about Esper Midrange, the good stuff of the format and has several synergisti...

standard esper deck tech

Removals and Interactions on Commander: Categories and Utilities

Removals and Interactions on Commander: Categories and Utilities

Vinicius Sorin

Understand the importance and different types of interactions and removals in the format, as well as...

commander removals guide

Pioneer: Rakdos Midrange Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pioneer: Rakdos Midrange Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Raphael Martinez

We will talk in detail about Rakdos Midrange (formerly Rakdos Kroxa), a deck that gained a new dynam...

pioneer rakdos deck tech sideboad guide

Explorer: Mono Blue Tempo Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Explorer: Mono Blue Tempo Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Mono Blue Tempo was once one of the most famous decks in Standard. Is it possible that a version wit...

explorer mono blue deck tech

Deck Guide: Pirate Rogue – Surprise your opponents!

Deck Guide: Pirate Rogue – Surprise your opponents!

Pedro Fernandes

Pirate Rogue can bring you countless victories, even though he's not at the top of the meta. Learn h...

Standard top decks pirate rogue

Pauper: Jeskai Ephemerate Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Jeskai Ephemerate Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

Jeskai Ephemerate is the deck that has the answer to everything in the format! Let's see how it resp...

pauper jeskai.ephemerate deck tech sideboard

Pioneer: Rakdos Sacrifice Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pioneer: Rakdos Sacrifice Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Raphael Martinez

Today, we'll talk about Rakdos Sacrifice, a new and more explosive version of the famous Cat-Oven de...

Pioneer Rakdos Deck Tech

Explorer: Naya Winota Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Explorer: Naya Winota Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


In today's article, I present in my guide everything you need to know about Naya Winota, which is po...

explorer winota deck guide naya

Pauper: Rakdos Burn Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Rakdos Burn Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

Rakdos Burn is one of the most fun decks at Pauper! Let's talk about it and present a deck tech and ...

pauper rakdos deck tech

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