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Magic: the Gathering
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Rafael de Melo
A new list of banned and restricted cards was announced and, despite the farewell of a hero, brings ...
banlist FaB Briar Ban
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I'll analyze Yu-Gi-Oh!TCG's September 2023 banlist, which will be legal from Septem...
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Banlist
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
Are you lost with all the new cards and don't know what to play in the new expansion? Don't be afrai...
guide list standard
The U.S. National Championship brought many surprises to the surface for competitive players!
news competitive fab
We're starting another competitive season in the Eternal format, and one single archetype has been d...
guide celestial eternal
Wilds of Eldraine features two new Commander/EDH decks: Virtue and Valor (Green and White) and Fae D...
commander edh decklists
The Eternal competitive season has started, and today we've brought the best lists to play in the fi...
guide eternal decks
There are currently 3 very similar Nasus decks in the meta. In this article we will talk about the m...
In today's article, I'll analyze the main cards in the Duelist Nexus set and their impact in the cur...
Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Nexus Review
Pedro Braga
In today's article, we'll discuss the most hated cards in Commander, how they work, and the reason f...
commander list
Commander Masters features four new Commander/EDH decks: Eldrazi Unbound (Colorless), Enduring Encha...
The Lord of the Rings has arrived and left its mark on Legacy. How did the format's Metagame look af...
Legacy Metagame Review LotR
In today's article, I bring a Tier list for Commoner, commenting on each deck in the format and thei...
Fab Commoner Tier List
The new expansion, Heart of the Huntress, is here! I've brought you 10 lists to test out on the firs...
guide new set decks
The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle Earth features four new Commander/EDH decks: Riders of Rohan,...
commander edh lord of the rings
Pacto das Guildas
Standard has finally been the target of the Wizards' hammer and Fable of the Mirror-Breaker, Reckone...
Standard Metagame Decklists
In a surprising move, one of the largest Korean Pokémon tournaments disqualified all of its Top 4 fi...
news pokémon competitive
Cards Realm
This article provides a checklist of important steps to consider before downloading a mobile betting...
casino games mobile betting app