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One Piece Card Game: Basic Rules!

One Piece Card Game: Basic Rules!

Leandro Lopes

We'll present here a summary with the basic regarding the rules of the One Piece card game, which re...

cardgame one piece anime

Players Tour Online 1 Top 8 Decklists have 32 copies of Growth Spiral

Players Tour Online 1 Top 8 Decklists have 32 copies of Growth Spiral


For the first time ever we had 32 copies of a card in the Top 8 of a Players Tour, making some pro p...


Online-Brettspiele: Pro & Kontra

Online-Brettspiele: Pro & Kontra


Online-Brettspiele sind in den letzten Jahren mit dem technologischen Fortschritt und dem wachsenden...

Online-Brettspiele pro kontra

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