Magic: the Gathering
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The auction, which started today, has several bids and its currently value is $43,000!
notícia d&d leilão tiamat
The company will also be adopting new measures to help promote the WPN stores.
news covid wizards reopen
Basic Lands with flavor text, iconic creatures, and spells from the world's most famous RPG, Command...
News d&d forgottenrealms
Fetch Lands, the return of classic borders, new mechanics, iconic reprints, and much more!
news modern horizons legends
The booster packages include squirrels and the possible return of a certain legendary creature!
news modern.horizons
In today's article, we'll analyze Modern's Storm Herald Conscription, which tries to put its combo p...
Analysis Decktech Modern combo
The comedy-driven mini-series will have three episodes as five students compete to earn the title of...
series news strixhaven
On today's article, I show you my analysis of the possible impact of the Mystical Archives for Histo...
Historic Arena Strixhaven Metagame
There was a complete silence about Pauper in the latest Banned & Restricted update. But how exactly...
Pauper Analysis Metagame
I present you a point of reference and guide with the main free tournaments of *all formats* that ta...
Tournament Free MTGO Arena
This week's Challenges reveals a new deck taking spots in Modern and Legacy: Valki Cascade !
Analysis Metagame Modern Legacy
I present you my top 5 cards from Kaldheim for Standard, Pioneer, Modern and Pauper !
Review Kaldheim
On the second part of my Deck Guide, I'll provide a sideboard guide for Pioneer's Boros Burn, with a...
Burn Pioneer Boros Sideguide
On today's article, I'll make a deep analysis on the Burn archetype for Pioneer, which I've been ded...
Pioneer Burn Deck Guide
We continue our series with twenty multicolored cards that could be reprinted as commons or that the...
Pauper Reprint Opinion
After almost ten years, we have the first sight of a Phyrexian on Magic's Lore. But for what reason ...
Phyrexia Kaldheim Lore
We are back with another weekly metagame analysis of the Challenges' Top 8 !
Analysis Metagame
We continue this series with fifteen cards that the community would like to have available in Pauper...