Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Flesh and Blood
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Tony Lucas
Marvel Snap will be welcoming Silk, Spider-Man 2099 and Spider-Ham. Which of the new cards is most w...
Pool 5 Review Pool 4 June 2023
The Archfiend Alteration is a new archetype that appeared this weekend, at the Regional Championship...
Archfiend Alteration Explorer Deck Guide
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll discuss the most played list in the Eternal Format, Nasus Thresh. This deck h...
guide decktech eternal
For the Yu-Gi-Oh! 25th Anniversary, a rare raffle will give players a shot at getting a copy of a ru...
news market yu-gi-oh 25th Anniversary
Pacto das Guildas
Standard has finally been the target of the Wizards' hammer and Fable of the Mirror-Breaker, Reckone...
Standard Metagame Decklists
The Spiderverse has arrived in the game and in this article you will find out if it is worth buying ...
Pass Review Ghost Spider
In this article, I'll build a few lineups for the June 10th Runeterra Open, which will be played in ...
guide competitive lineups eternal
Orcish Bowmasters has the potential to change Modern's Metagame. In today's article, we analyze the ...
Orcish Bowmasters Modern Review
Pedro Braga
Sultai has always been considered a strong color match and prone to aggressive combos. In this artic...
Commander Deck Tech Zimone & Dina
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, we're going to discuss the last new hero of Outsiders with a deck tech from a pr...
Deck Tech Blitz Arakni
Lord of the Rings: Tales of the Middle-Earth brings a new cycle of legendary lands to Modern. In thi...
Modern Highlight LOTR
In today's article, we evaluate which decks win and lose with Standard's new banlist update!
Banlist Standard Metagame
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I will analyze the May 2023 TCG banlist, which will be legal on June 5th.
Banlist Yu-Gi-Oh! May 2023
Nat Almeida
Which Ravnica guild will suit you best? Come find out with our new quiz!
Quiz Ravnica Guilds
In this article, I'll be enhancing the lists which were freely given in the store, with the Patch 4....
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Boros Convoke was Pioneer's big trend this week. In today's article, we analyze the deck and present...
Boros Convoke Deck Guide Pioneer
How about setting up a garden so your saprolings can multiply using your opponents' creatures as foo...
Commander Nemata Deck Tech
Cards Realm
Find out what novelties from the world of video games may be of interest to gamblers.
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