Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Flesh and Blood
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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Rodrigo William
Discover this unique post-Pokemon GO deck with the attacker Centiskorch (from Sword/Shield), and be ...
standard centiskorch deck tech
We will see the ten most useful cards of the special expansion of Pokémon GO TCG, mainly considering...
pokemonGO tcg competitive
Tiago Fuguete
With Burn in ascension, Bogles is one of the best choices in Pauper right now. Find out why and how ...
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In this article, you will see the 10 most valuable cards from Pokémon GO TCG so that you are familia...
cards value pokemonGO tcg
Check out a review on this product to improve your deck with playable cards in this useful deckbuild...
Review toolkit pokeon
Felipe Torres
Today I present a Tasigur competitive deck without using the reserved list, with plenty of recursion...
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Get to know more about the latest rotation news and how it was changes specifically for this year, a...
pokémon rotation changes
Elves, Pauper's most loved or hated tribe? Let's talk about its position in the current Metagame, as...
pauper elves deck tech
We'll explore the possibilities to build a Mewtwo-VStar deck with the new collection: Pokémon GO TCG...
PokémonTCG Deck Tech
Barba do Rafa
Get to know Atreus' Ascension journey, find out how men can defeat Gods — and what that has to do wi...
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In this article, we'll talk about the 10 most valuable cards from Fusion Strike!
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Capitão Serket
This is the list in which Ezreal finally shines. The best removals are here. Do you like to play rea...
Competitive Reactive Annie Ezreal Removal
In this article, we'll talk about the 10 most valuable cards from Brilliant Stars, and the reasons a...
Pokémon staples collection brilliant stars
Boros Bully has been making great results lately. Today, let's delve deeper into it and find out wha...
pauper boros deck tech
Check here for new information about the upcoming special expansion for the month of July (bonus: gu...
PokémonTCG Standart News
In this article, we mention the ten most valuable cards so far from the set Astral Radiance, along w...
pokemon astral radiance pokemonTCG
Aurélio Barcelos
In any fantasy game or story, Dragons are always an important race for storytelling - In this articl...
Dragons tribe opinion
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