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Marcos Sobral
Learn how to play Tenpai Dragon, one of the cheapest meta decks around and also the best going secon...
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Pedro Fernandes
Blizzard's MMORPG teams up with actress Mila Kunis to bring a charity mascot pack in support of Ukra...
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Let's paint the world Blue! And crush everything in our path! Painter is yet another deck that has m...
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Workers at TCGPlayer are trying to form a union under the new management, to address and solve a few...
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Pedro Braga
In the first look of March of the Machine, we were pleasantly surprised to see cards with pairs of f...
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Eduardo Silveira
An analysis of Dominaria United's preconstructed Commander deck, Painbow, with Jared Carthalion as i...
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Leandro Lopes
It was released today, and without fanfare, a vinyl record with songs inspired by the D&D Spelljamme...
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Today, we will talk about the influence of Dungeons & Dragons in the creation of the antagonists of ...
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Return to the roots and start a campaign! But what about with less work and more fun? Take these 7 t...
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Rakdos' performances are dramatic, violent and disturbing. Kalain has a thrilling ending in this sac...
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Are you wondering why you're getting bad opening hands and / or pairing with players who don't have ...
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Jason Engle's series of paintings of the gods of Theros were auctioned for over $ 39,000
Steve Argyle is one of the artists who most participated in the history of Magic
Daniel Linhares
Playing for fun is always enjoyable, but when real money is at stake, the experience is much brighte...
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In this intriguing article, explore the unexpected parallels between the world of Pokémon and the ga...
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