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Ricardo Mattana
Ricardo Mattana presents his Brazilian Pauper Nationals Top 8 Report in 2022. Here you will find inf...
Pauper Report Top 8
Pedro Braga
In today's article, let's review the five best cards from The Brothers' War for Modern!
Modern Top 5 The Brothers' War
Roger Schola
We'll explore a budget version of Mono Red Aggro in Standard, with tips on how to act and a guide on...
Standard Budget Arena
Tony Lucas
Learn how to play the deck that is a safe choice for beginner and even veteran players!
guide competitive Pool 2
Cesar Cusin
Your clan will compete against others to dominate the Island. Strong trade, large naval fleet, inves...
Board Game Isle of Skye Strategy
In this article, we will review Seasonal history so far, and speak a bit about the winning line ups ...
competitive seasonal decks
Get to know and learn how to play one of the strongest decks in the format, a list which creates a l...
competitive guide removals
Pacto das Guildas
Without The Meathook Massacre, will Black-Based archetypes keep its predominance on Standard, or is ...
Standard Competitive Decklist
The Night Hunter was released to LoR today and I've selected some very interesting lists with this c...
decks competitive vayne
The Meathook Massacre has been banned from Standard, but will its absence be enough to end the Midra...
Ban Standard Metagame
The owner of the Arrow of Retribution arrives in LoR this Wednesday, and because of that I've select...
decks competitive Varus
The Starry-Eyed Songstress arrives to LoR this Wednesday and I've selected very interesting lists wi...
decks seraphine competitive
Come discover a way to play Gwen using the same old Freljord veterans, in a quite aggressive Midrang...
guide midrange competitive sejuani
Seek to expand your power and fame by influencing pharaohs, building monuments, taking care of agric...
ra dice game review
Pedro Fernandes
Check out the 4 best decks to get Legend after the release of Maw and Disorder, which changed the Me...
Standard Legend Hearthstone Decks
Are you lost with so many decks and don't know what to bring to Seasonals? In this article I'll help...
seasonals competitive decks
Get to know and understand the deck that has been dominating the meta! With the arrival of the Ionia...
deck tech seasonals competitive
In this article we will talk about card draw in LoR and how this mechanic is distributed across all ...
curiosities ranking competitive