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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
We decided to list down every guardian that also has their own card in Runeterra. After we were told...
trivia lor cosmetics
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, we'll dissect Bravo, one of the most popular heroes among new players and those ...
Blitz Bravo FaB
Barba do Rafa
Riot was inspired by the Mahō Shōjo manga subgenre. Learn all about this manga style and what influe...
star guardians lore league of legends
Gabriel Singh
Starting out in Blitz and need help deciding which hero best represents your style? In Part 1 of thi...
Blitz Heroes
Tony Lucas
This article especulates about the arrival of Star Guardians in LoR and the champions who might get ...
especulation star guardians skins
Each Thalia comes with a unique and different art.