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Pauper EDH Set Review: Kamigawa Neon Dynasty

Pauper EDH Set Review: Kamigawa Neon Dynasty


In this Pauper Commander analysis for Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, we'll highlist the best commons, Comma...

Pauper EDH Commander Kamigawa

Modern: 10 New Decks with Kamigawa Neon Dynasty

Modern: 10 New Decks with Kamigawa Neon Dynasty

Gabriel Nunes

Today we'll present ten Modern decks with Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty cards, which has just arrived and a...

Kamigawa decks modern

Pioneer Set Review: Kamigawa Neon Dynasty

Pioneer Set Review: Kamigawa Neon Dynasty


In today's article, I review the most important cards from Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty for Pioneer!

review pioneer kamigawa

Top 10 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty cards for Commander

Top 10 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty cards for Commander

Felipe Torres

Today I bring my Top 10 cards from Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty for Commander!

commander edh kamigawa review

Top 10 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Cards for Standard

Top 10 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Cards for Standard


In today's article, I evaluate the ten cards that I consider the most relevant in Kamigawa: Neon Dyn...

analysis standard kamigawa

Challenger Decks 2022 Decklists

Challenger Decks 2022 Decklists


Check out the decklists of the four new Challenger Decks: Mono-White Aggro, Dimir Control, Gruul Sto...

news standard challenger deck

Pauper Set Review: Kamigawa Neon Dynasty

Pauper Set Review: Kamigawa Neon Dynasty


In today's article, let's delve deeper into what Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty brings for Pauper.

pauper review kamigawa

Top 10 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty cards for cEDH

Top 10 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty cards for cEDH

Felipe Torres

We separated the ten most interesting cards from Kamigawa: Neon Dinasty for cEDH!

cedh kamigawa edh

Lore: Top 10 Post-Mending MTG Villains

Lore: Top 10 Post-Mending MTG Villains

Vinicius Sorin

A selection of the most dreadful characters that appeared on Magic: The Gathering's lore post-Mendin...

lore villains top 10

Standard Deck Tech: Selesnya Ramp

Standard Deck Tech: Selesnya Ramp


Selesnya Ramp was one of several decks that reappeared after the recent bans. In today's article, we...

standard selesnya ramp deck tech

Pauper Deck Tech: Mono Black Devotion

Pauper Deck Tech: Mono Black Devotion


In today's article, we dissect the Mono-Black Devotion that won the Pauper Super Qualifier, which to...

pauper mono black deck tech

Standard: Analyzing the Bans and the format's uncertain future

Standard: Analyzing the Bans and the format's uncertain future


In today's article, I elaborate a bit on the strange state of Standard these days, and speculate on ...

analysis standard ban

15 Budget Underused Cards for Commander

15 Budget Underused Cards for Commander

Felipe Torres

A selection of cheap and underused cards to play on your budget Commander list!

budget commander edh

Pauper: About Bans, Overreacting, The Panel and the format's future

Pauper: About Bans, Overreacting, The Panel and the format's future


In today's article, I present my point of view on Pauper's latest news: The Pauper Format Panel's cr...

analysis pauper ban

Banned and Restricted: My Speculations for the next Announcement!

Banned and Restricted: My Speculations for the next Announcement!


An analysis of which cards might get banned from the competitive formats on the next Banned and Rest...

analysis ban competitive

Commander Deck Tech: Hokori, Dust Drinker - Stax

Commander Deck Tech: Hokori, Dust Drinker - Stax

Eduardo Silveira

The proposal of this Hokori, Dust Drinker deck is a stax that deprives the opponents' resources thro...

kamigawa stax commander

Alchemy Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide: Orzhov Midrange

Alchemy Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide: Orzhov Midrange


In today's article, we explore the Mana Fox team's choice for the Mythic Championship Qualifier, wit...

alchemy arena deck tech

Which Are the most Famous and best CSGO Teams?

Which Are the most Famous and best CSGO Teams?


An introduction to some of the most famous and best competitive CS:GO teams!

cs:go teams professional

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