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Modern: Izzet Murktide Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Modern: Izzet Murktide Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Izzet Murktide is Modern's current best deck, but it's also challenging to play it masterfully, as i...

modern murktide deck guide

What is Pokémon TCG and where to start

What is Pokémon TCG and where to start

Felipe Souza

You still don't know what Pokémon TCG is? What are you waiting for to discover the most popular and ...

pokemon tcg card games guide

PreModern: Everything about a Nostalgic Format

PreModern: Everything about a Nostalgic Format

João "Paredeebranca"

Meet Premodern, a nostalgic format where you meet old strategies and discover fun and new decks!

premodern format introduction

Zombicide Review: Try to survive chaos!

Zombicide Review: Try to survive chaos!

Cesar Cusin

There are relatively simple missions, like getting food, or just staying alive. However, there is a ...

zombicide review

The Broken Deck's Ultimate Price

The Broken Deck's Ultimate Price


Playing the best deck comes naturally to competitive Magic. But when it creates noticeable advantage...

broken deck bans pioneer competitive

A Guide to Pauper Archetypes - Combo

A Guide to Pauper Archetypes - Combo


In the last article in the series, we'll look at the top decks that fall into the Combo category in ...

guide archetypes pauper combo

Quiz: Which Pioneer deck suits you best?

Quiz: Which Pioneer deck suits you best?

Eduardo Silveira

When in doubt between which is the best archetype or deck to play, let's find out what your Pioneer ...

Pioneer quiz

Pauper: Boros Bully Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Boros Bully Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

Boros Bully has been making great results lately. Today, let's delve deeper into it and find out wha...

pauper boros deck tech

Commander Deck Tech: Liara Portyr

Commander Deck Tech: Liara Portyr

Eduardo Silveira

The deck proposal with Commander Liara Portyr is a Boros artifacts-theme, taking advantage of her ab...

Deck tech EDH Baldur's Gate Commander

Lore: TF and Graves, Riot's Bonnie and Clyde

Lore: TF and Graves, Riot's Bonnie and Clyde

Barba do Rafa

TF and Graves, besides friends, partners in crime and scammers, among other peculiar adjectives, wer...

TF Twisted Fate Graves Lore

Quiz: Which Modern Deck suits you best?

Quiz: Which Modern Deck suits you best?

Eduardo Silveira

A common question among players of different formats is which is the best archetype or deck to play....

Quiz modern decks

Top 10 Best Preconstructed Commander Decks

Top 10 Best Preconstructed Commander Decks

Professor Rakdos

A Top 10 of the best preconstructed Commander decks ever released, ranked by Commander, Synergy, Sta...

commander edh top 10

Worldwalker: 10 decks to test out with the new Runeterra champions

Worldwalker: 10 decks to test out with the new Runeterra champions


The Worldwalker expansion brought us many new cards, check out some interesting decks with these new...

decks worldwalker expansion lor

Explorer: Gruul Transmogrify Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Explorer: Gruul Transmogrify Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Gruul Transmogrify has recently appeared in Pioneer's Leagues and Challenges, does it have a chance ...

explorer deck tech gruul combo

A Guide to Pauper Archetypes - Control

A Guide to Pauper Archetypes - Control


In the third article of this series, we have a compilation of the main decks that fit the Control ar...

pauper contro archetypes guide

Deck Tech: Kennen Ezreal - A lot of burn for just a bit of mana

Deck Tech: Kennen Ezreal - A lot of burn for just a bit of mana

Capitão Serket

The Ezreal Kennen deck is for those who love to get their opponents off guard and deal a lot of dire...

competitive Combo Ionia Piltover

Flesh and Blood Guide for Magic Players

Flesh and Blood Guide for Magic Players

Gabriel Singh

If you came from Magic and need a little help to learn better how to play this wonderful TCG that is...

mtg fab starter blitz tips

Lore: Did you know that Tibbers and Mordekaiser were ALLIES?

Lore: Did you know that Tibbers and Mordekaiser were ALLIES?

Barba do Rafa

Riot finally revealed to us more information about Tibbers, and surprisingly it has a connection to ...

mordekaiser annie tibbers lol lore

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