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Eduardo Silveira
A review of the Streets of New Capenna: Bedecked Brokers preconstructed deck, commanded by Perrie th...
Commander EDH Upgrade Precon
Felipe Torres
In this Top 10, I evaluate the best Streets of New Capenna cards for competitive Commander!
Top 10 cEDH New Capenna
This article brings a review of the new set to PDH, exploring possibilities for new decks and the mo...
Pauper EDH New Capenna
A review of the Streets of New Capenna: Obscura Operation preconstructed deck, with suggestions for ...
Commander edh upgrade Precon
In this Top 10, the best Streets of New Capenna cards for Commander will be evaluated, considering ...
Edh capenna top 10
The Streets of New Capela Commanders bring 3-color lists. There are 5 in total, shall we go to the l...
commander edh cedh deck
This article talks about a Nymris, Oona's Trickster deck that handles very well against different th...
commander deck tech budget edh
Our proposal is to use Lord Xander's ability to control the game with a list based on subterfuge and...
New Capenna Xander EDH Commander
My second article on this series where I explain some of the most played combos in Commander and how...
commander combo edh
Today, I present some fun and powerful Commander Decks that can be built with up to 10 Tix on Magic ...
In today's article, we bring ten Pauper EDH lists inspired by the most popular Pauper decks.
Pauper EDH Pauper Decklists
On my new article series, I talk about combos used in Commander and cite ways to fight them.
edh commander combo
A set of tips and experiences gained over time to perform better in Commander tournaments.
edh commander tournaments
Today's article brings a deck tech for Zaxara, the Exemplary, and commander with interesting abiliti...
edh commander deck tech
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy is one of the most popular commander and excellent to build a deck around, so...
budget commander edh
Vinicius Sorin
A review with upgrade tips for the Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty's precon commanded by Chishiro, which brin...
commander edh kamigawa
In this Pauper Commander analysis for Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, we'll highlist the best commons, Comma...
Pauper EDH Commander Kamigawa
An analysis and upgrade tips for Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty's Commander Precon, Buckle Up!
commander edh upgrade