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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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Pedro Fernandes
Check out another Elemental deck that has been in the spotlight in the past few days. Learn today ho...
guide shaman hearthstone
In today's article, we analyze the main new features and decks that the second week of tournaments w...
Bloomburrow Metagame Standard Pioneer Modern
Boros Convoke remains a top contender in post-rotation Standard and one of the best Aggro decks in t...
Standard Deck Guide Boros Convoke
Rodrigo William
Check out the most expensive cards in Scarlet & Violet's third special set, Shrouded Fable. If you'r...
Pokémon Standard Prices Scarlet&Violet
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, we'll see the most expensive Flesh and Blood cards, as well as why they're so ex...
FaB Top 10 tier list
Cesar Cusin
President Thomas Jefferson gave you his orders: you'll spend the next 3 years in an expedition explo...
Discoveries Lewis Clark board game
Gruul Prowess has established itself as the best Aggro deck in the first week of Bloomburrow Standar...
Standard Gruul Prowess Deck Guide
Flood Paladin is the best deck in this expansion according to the numbers! So, today, I'll show you ...
flood paladin decks hearthstone
Check out the top 10 best Pokémon and some of the best Trainers in Shrouded Fable!
Pokémon Standard Staples Scarlet & Violet
This deck has no epics or legendaries! Elemental Mage is the perfect tier 1 deck for a F2P player!
elemental mage budget deck hearthstone
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
Today, I'll show you how to play one of the most powerful decks in the ranked queue right now, as we...
guide standard ranked decks lor
What in the past was a very popular aggro combo deck turned into one of the most important control d...
Legacy deck tech cradle control
Daniel Linhares
This article explores these sophisticated techniques and provides a thorough how-to for winning at c...
Below, we explore some of the most significant card game mechanics that have shaped the casino exper...
With the plethora of Pokémon to pick from, we came up with some ideas for Pokémon that would do well...
The world of trading card games is filled with excitement, strategy, and a sense of community. Howev...
In this article, we dive into the history of card games and explore their development from ancient t...
In this article, we’ll look at the history of trading card games and examine how the move to digital...