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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Flesh and Blood
One Piece TCG
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Rodolfo Nogueira
Murders at Karlov Manor, in addition to bringing new cards, brought new mechanics and even the retur...
mtg MKM mechanic
Rafael de Melo
Bright Lights is already among us! Today, we'll discuss one of the most promising decks in this set:...
Dash EVO FaB
Let's analyze the new set, Bright Lights, which is full of items, robots and motorcycles and see how...
review fab mechanologist
Pedro Braga
In this article, we will provide an updated explanation of the "Phasing" keyword, created in Mirage....
rules mechanics questions phasing
Rodrigo William
Check out what happened at Yokohama Worlds, in Japan, during this weekend from August 11th to 13th, ...
standard world yokohama Japan
André Marcus
Clear up all your questions about game mechanics and interaction rules, including the most advanced!
tutorial tips rules mechanics questions
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
This article is a Part 2 in the series that welcomes Refugees from other TCGs who are interested in ...
Hearthstone's new update comes in with 38 new cards from the mini-set, "Return to Naxxaramas", updat...
news hearthstone mini-set arena
A Reddit user noticed a secret mechanic that was sneaked in a recent Patch. Take advantage of this n...
news mechanic lor
Yangzera delves deep analyzing Lulu Jinx and comments on how to be successful with the best Aggro de...
Jinx Lulu Aagro Biggledust Mecha-Yordle
In today's article I bring you a Dash Deck Tech for Blitz, showing how to play with the deck, matchu...
Flesh and Blood Blitz Deck Tech
The greatest Mecha-Yordle in Runeterra comes along to make a blast with Vayne's and Equipment's help...
Rumble Vayne Equip Aggro
In addition to the new mechanics and interactions, catch up on the latest releases of the Sword & Sh...
Sword & Shield Standard Expansions
Everything about the new "ex" card mechanics that were unveiled at the London World Cup, which will ...
new mechanic tcg2023 guide
Gabriel Singh
Starting out in Blitz and need help deciding which hero best represents your style? In Part 1 of thi...
Blitz Heroes
Capitão Serket
A lot of things happened, and Runeterra will change to the tune of this new Patch. A lot of new deck...
Patch 3.10 Skins Legends of Runeterra
Sion/Rumble is a Midrange list which can deal easily with control lists. So, if removal is popular, ...
competitive Mechas Midrange
Pedro Fernandes
One of the decks that surprised the Hearthstone community was the Mech Paladin. Learn how to play wi...
standard voyage to the sunkey city hs decks