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Pioneer: Dimir Merfolks - Deck tech & Sideboard Guide

Pioneer: Dimir Merfolks - Deck tech & Sideboard Guide


Dimir Merfolks is a new variant of Merfolk decks in Pioneer, combining typal synergies with the famo...

Pioneer DimirMerfolks Deck Guide

Standard Deck Guide: Zerg Death Knight - The Most Efficient Zerg List

Standard Deck Guide: Zerg Death Knight - The Most Efficient Zerg List

Pedro Fernandes

Zerg Death Knight is one of the most consistent decks with Heroes of StarCraft. Let's learn how to p...

zerg death knight deck tech hearthstone

Standard Deck Tech: Terran Shaman - Create Huge Starships and Win the Game!

Standard Deck Tech: Terran Shaman - Create Huge Starships and Win the Game!

Pedro Fernandes

Terran Shaman is one of the most recent, as well as most powerful, decks that Heroes of StarCraft ga...

terran shaman decks heroes of starcraft hearthstone

Upgrading Commander Precon: Eternal Might (Temmet, Naktamun's Will)

Upgrading Commander Precon: Eternal Might (Temmet, Naktamun's Will)

Nat Almeida

Let's explore Temmet in this upgraded Eternal Might precon!

deck tech zombies temmet precon commander upgrade

Expanded Deck Tech: Jolteon VMax

Expanded Deck Tech: Jolteon VMax

Rodrigo William

In this article, we'll show you an Expanded list with Jolteon VMax that focuses on "sniper" attacks,...

Pokémon TCG Expanded Jolteon

Pioneer: Azorius Flash Spirits - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Pioneer: Azorius Flash Spirits - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Pacto das Guildas

In today's article, we'll explore Azorius Flash, a successor to Azorius Spirits that combines the ol...

pioneer deck tech sideguide competitive

Standard Deck Tech: Dungar Druid - Unbeatable Control!

Standard Deck Tech: Dungar Druid - Unbeatable Control!

Pedro Fernandes

Dungar Druid, which is dominating the meta, is the newest version of the iconic Druid Ramp/Control! ...

dungar druid deck tech hearthstone standard

Expanded Deck Tech: Eevee VMax

Expanded Deck Tech: Eevee VMax

Rodrigo William

Check out this deck with the forgotten Eevee VMax and Lugia VStar + Archeops!

Pokémon TCG Expanded Eevee

Pioneer: Esper Bounce - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pioneer: Esper Bounce - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Esper Bounce has been making great strides towards becoming the new best deck in Standard, but does ...

Pioneer EsperBounce Deck Guide

Standard: Dimir Oculus - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Standard: Dimir Oculus - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Dimir Oculus combines the already famous proposal of reanimating cheap creatures from the graveyard ...

Standard DimirOculus Deck Guide

Classic Constructed Deck Tech: Ira, Scarlet Revenger - Ninja

Classic Constructed Deck Tech: Ira, Scarlet Revenger - Ninja

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, we'll explore one of the most beloved Flesh and Blood heroes: Ira, more specific...

ira classic constructed flesh and blood

Legacy: Big Red Prison - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Legacy: Big Red Prison - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide


Red Stompy already has a solid spot in Legacy, but that doesn't mean we can't experiment with it. Le...

legacy deck tech red prison karn

Pioneer: Simic Oculus - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pioneer: Simic Oculus - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Simic Oculus is a new Tempo deck that gained traction in January's Pioneer Challenges, mixing low-co...

Pioneer SimicOculus Deck Gyude

Pauper: Orzhov Glintblade - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Orzhov Glintblade - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Glintblade takes advantage of the interaction between Glint Hawk, Refurbished Familiar, and Tithing ...

Pauper Orzhov Deck Guide

Expanded Deck Tech: Lugia VStar + Salamence VMax

Expanded Deck Tech: Lugia VStar + Salamence VMax

Rodrigo William

Check out this Expanded list, which uses Salamance VMax as the main attacker, and Lugia VStar's comb...

Pokémon TCG Expanded Colorless

Standard: Bant Terror - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Standard: Bant Terror - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Pacto das Guildas

Bounce strategies are dominating Standard! In today's article, we brought you a guide on one of the ...

Standard competitive deck tech

Pioneer: Azorius Yorion - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Pioneer: Azorius Yorion - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Pacto das Guildas

In a format dominated by Rakdos variants, can Azorius Control be a good out? In today's article, I'l...

pioneer competitive sideboard guide deck tech

Beyond Payments: How Blockchain Technology Powers Innovation in Online Gambling

Beyond Payments: How Blockchain Technology Powers Innovation in Online Gambling

Daniel Linhares

Discover how blockchain technology is revolutionising online gambling. From secure payments to fair ...


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