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Magic: the Gathering
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Flesh and Blood
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Tiago Fuguete
The “new” Burn has never been so hot, it's one of the most played deck currently, and is extremely p...
Red Aggro Burn Pauper
The greatest Mecha-Yordle in Runeterra comes along to make a blast with Vayne's and Equipment's help...
Rumble Vayne Equip Aggro
Burt of Paradise
I'll talk a little about my BG Combo deck focused on sacrifices, known as Project X, leaving some ti...
Pauper Project X Deck Guide
Mono Black Midrange was one of Standard's most famous decks, but could it stay competitive without T...
Standard Mono Black Deck Guide
Tony Lucas
Get to know and learn how to play one of the strongest decks in the format, a list which creates a l...
competitive guide removals
Gabriel Almeida
A balanced deck against most matches in the format, probably the most versatile creature deck you'll...
explorer humans deck guide
Blending classic elements with recent additions, Mono Blue Terror is one of the most Tempo-oriented ...
Pauper Mono Blue Terror Deck Guide
Come discover a way to play Gwen using the same old Freljord veterans, in a quite aggressive Midrang...
guide midrange competitive sejuani
How about casting LD spells as soon as on turn 2? Mono Black Ponza is the deck that doesn't allow y...
MBC Ponza Pauper
Pacto das Guildas
In this article, I will dissect Pauper's Mono Blue Faeries, a great deck to deal with the current Me...
Pauper MTGO Deck Guide Delver
If you like Tempo strategies and powerful threats at low cost, Dimir Terror is probably the right de...
Pauper Dimir Terror Deck Guide Tempo
Rodrigo William
See another amazing and curious deck from Hisuian Electrode-V, which for no energy at the cost of it...
Standard Deck Guide Electrode
Natan Pires
UW Ensoul is one of the most economically viable decks on Pioneer. In a Metagame dominated by expens...
Deck Guide Azorius Ensoul Pioneer
Tabata Marques
A guide to understanding the main digital platforms for playing Magic, as well as their differences,...
Arena mtgo guide beginners
Sliver, the tribe with the most lords in Pauper is also a strong aggro? Let's compare and talk a bit...
Sliers deck guide pauper
With Black-Based Midranges dominating Best of Three, the option for other strategies is to look for ...
Standard Deck Guide Azorius Heroic Best of On
Pedro Fernandes
Are you starting in the world of FPS? Check out today's article and see everything you need to know ...
CSGO How to play guide
Every deck is the same under a lock piece when all lands are Mountains and every spell costs three m...
Red Prison Legacy Stompy Deck Guide