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Thiago NileDeath
This article brings decklists for Magic Arena's new format, Alchemy, along with a brief explanation ...
alchemy decklists
Wizards announced today the first info about the new set, Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, including new basi...
kamigawa knd news spoiler
After fifteen swiss rounds, eight players will dispute for Innistrad Championship's title today, in ...
news innistrad championship top 8
The new format will rotate like the Standard, but will have exclusive cards with mechanics only poss...
standard arena alchemy
Full art lands, borderless shockland reprints, dice rolling, eternal formats-legal cards and a new h...
unfinity.shockland news mtg
New mechanics, return of a Tarkir keyword, Count Dracula, a reprint of a multi-format staple, and mo...
news innistrad spoiler
Among the drops, available for pre-order on October 18th, are the special edition with Stranger Thin...
news secret lair stranger things
In today's article, I discuss the new Affinity variants with Alexandre Weber, also known as _agains...
pauper competitive affinity
The player went undefeated through all the Standard rounds of the event and, with his Izzet Dragons,...
news worlds
The MTGMelee platform accidentally made the lists available during this Tuesday morning, three days ...
news worlds magic
While you can buy packs if you like, you can start stronger than everyone else in ARENA if you know ...
news arena code free
Gabriel Nunes
Today, we'll analyze the new cards from Innistrad: Midnight Hunt and how they might work on Spirits.
modern spirits innistrad
Sixteen players from around the world will compete between October 8th and 10th for the title of Wor...
world magic news
Players entered the Pauper Preliminary with lists that used only 60 basic lands, as a form of protes...
news pauper wizards preliminary
The metagame after "Beyond the Bandlewood" hasn't been stabilized yet, so this is the best time for ...
decks runeterra lor bandlewood
The event, whose start has been postponed to next Friday, will define the last four participants of ...
news metagame standard world championship
The patch, which will go live on Wednesday, brings nerfs to cards commonly used in decks like Azir/I...
news nerf patch lor
In today's article, we see a difference in Standard between MTGO and Arena, a new variant of Living...
metagame modern standard pauper legacy