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In this article, we list the ten best cards that came out in 2024 for Pauper!
Pauper Metagame Staples
In this article, we list the ten best cards of 2024 for the Standard format!
Standard Top10 Staples
Rodrigo William
Check out the best Pokémon and Trainer cards from Stellar Crown!
TCG Standard Staples Scarlet&Violet
Check out the top 10 best Pokémon and some of the best Trainers in Shrouded Fable!
Pokémon Standard Staples Scarlet & Violet
The pillars that make up Pauper's Metagame have changed drastically in recent years, and in this art...
Check out below the best Trainers in Twilight Masquerade, as well as other "staples" from Scarlet & ...
Take a look at our top 10 best Pokémon from the sixth Scarlet & Violet base set: Twilight Masquerade...
With the release of the new set, Scarlet & Violet: Paradox Rift, check out a list of some of the str...
PokémonTCG Standard Staples Paradox Rift
Check out an analysis of the ten best cards which will grab the spotlight in the Scarlet & Violet 3:...
Staples Standard Obsidian Flames
Commander Masters, the new Commander-focused MTG set, is going to bring major reprints to the format...
news set commander
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I will present the 10 staples that, I believe, are the best for the post-Cyberstorm...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Staples May 2023
In this article, I'll present the 10 staples that are the best for the post-banlist advanced format...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Staples Feburary 2023
Rafael de Melo
In this article, I bring the most important cards of the Blitz and Classic Constructed formats, show...
Staples Flesh and Blood
Mateus Nogueira
We're looking once more at the 2022 Conquest metagame, this time at the cards. The biggest win and p...
Conquest Metagame Analysis Staples
In today's article, I evaluate Commoner's best cards and their contributions to the format, examinin...
Fab Commoner Staples
Here we are going to show you the cards of Dominaria United that are seeing most play! We follow som...
Dominaria staple
Diego "Notorius"
Check out a list of the best staple cards right now to use and play Yu-Gi-Oh! at the highest level.
game guide master duel support.
We will discuss some cards that were once essential in the format, but now they have lost their maje...
legacy 10 staples