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Through its official website, Wizards announced today the creation of an exclusive panel for the Com...
news commander panel
In an emergency announcement, Wizards bans Leyline of Resonance from Standard Best of One mode and A...
Banlist Standard MTGArena
In this article, we delve into Selesnya Company, an archetype that returned to the Pioneer Metagame ...
Pioneer Selesnya Company Deck Guide
Magic: The Gathering's senior designer shared some previews of what players can expect in Magic's ne...
noticia teasers foundations mtgfoundations
In this article, we present eight Standard decks that have grown or established themselves as top op...
Worlds Standard Metagame
With no competitive support on 2025, Pioneer is now closer to the late Extended than to other format...
Pioneer Competitive Opinion
The first products from Magic's partnership with Marvel include a Superdrop from the Secret Lair ser...
noticia marvel universes beyond
This week, The One Ring became the most played card in Modern, with approximately 56% representation...
Modern The One Ring Bans
In this article, we list the ten worst card designs in Magic: The Gathering, whether because they cr...
Top 10 Worst Designs TMG
Duskmourn has brought a new combo to Pioneer that has started to make waves in the Metagame. In this...
Pioneer Mono Black Slasher Deck Guide
In this article, we present the main highlights of the second week of Duskmourn in Magic Online Chal...
Duskmourn Metagame Review
Foundations is the new core set for Magic: The Gathering and will be in Standard until 2029. In this...
Foundations Reprints Standard
The last weeks have been the most turbulent in Commander's history. Now, with no RC and Wizards havi...
Commander Opinion Bans
Free Spells have been the subject of some of the most controversial moments in Magic history and inc...
Free Spells Ranking Top 15
In this article, we'll cover the latest Aggro deck in Standard featuring Duskmourn: Azorius Enchantm...
Standard Azorius Enchantments Deck Guide
In this article, we look at Duskmourn's highlights from its first week in Magic Online Challenges!
Metagame Duskmourn
The one-mana Planeswalker from Modern Horizons 3 has been banned as a commander in the Duel Commande...
noticia Duel Commander Banimentos.
In an official statement, the company announced that it will take over management of the Commander f...
noticia Commander Wizards