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In today's article, we take a look at the ten cards that most impacted Legacy in 2022, and how they ...
Legacy 2022 Top 10
Rodrigo William
Meet Articuno's paralysis deck that took first place at the 2022.2 Australian regionals, piloted by ...
Regional Deck Tech Standard
Again, we find ourselves in a format strangled by Delver. Is it time for Wizards to take action? And...
Legacy Bans
Rafael de Melo
In today's article I bring you a Dash Deck Tech for Blitz, showing how to play with the deck, matchu...
Flesh and Blood Blitz Deck Tech
Tony Lucas
This article gathers all the information we have about this possible new exclusive LoR champion!
Leaks Theories Champions
Briar is one of Flesh and Blood's most famous heroes, and her theme as an Elemental Runeblade is fle...
Briar Blitz Deck Guide
Legacy has a new contender! After devastating Pauper, Initiative has arrived in the format and is ta...
Legacy Initiative Deck Tech
In today's article, I evaluate Commoner's best cards and their contributions to the format, examinin...
Fab Commoner Staples
Pedro Fernandes
En el artículo de hoy os traigo los mazos principales para que aprovechéis al máximo la nueva expans...
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Overall, this article aims to explore the idea that success at blackjack requires more than just luc...
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Here we will explain what is video poker, which cards you should hold and which you should discard
video poker
Here we will show 7 tips to improve your betting to maximize your profit
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Here we will list 5 discord gambling bot that will help your server make real cash from bets
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Are you looking for a fun way to keep yourself entertained? Look no further! Puzzle games are the pe...
puzzle games fun
Here we will explain what is two-factor authentication, how they work and the most top authenticator...
secure authenticator
Here we will present a list of the most popular games played in casinos
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The widespread development of the blockchain has affected and its widespread use has even affected v...
nft games
Check this article for the best iOS games in 2022. There's something for everyone here, from old and...
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