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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
Flesh and Blood
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Antonio Carlos
The new set, Archazia's Island, brought a lot of innovations to the competitive metagame! One of the...
disney lorcana competitive deckguide
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
Currently, the Aegis League is the biggest competitive event we have in the LoR community, and, now ...
guide lor decks standard
Pacto das Guildas
Nykthos Ramp has recently stood out in Pioneer. The numbers don't lie: it is a good option for this ...
pioneer decktech sideguide competitive
João "Jam" Barros
Do you enjoy cracking puzzles and always having options? Toolbox strategies with creatures? Then, th...
decktech commander cEDH
In this article, we discuss Orzhov Pixie, the new variant of the famous Bounce decks using the inter...
Standard OrzhovBounce Deck Guide
A Sacrifice deck variant has made a name for itself in Pauper by placing Top 8 in a Challenge. In th...
Pauper Sacrifice Deck Guide
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, let's explore one of the best heroes in Classic Constructed nowadays: Aurora. We...
aurora rosetta cc decktech
Nat Almeida
In this article, let's explore the open seas with Edward Kenway and his fleet of Pirates and Vehicle...
decktech commander assassin'screed pirate
With the upcoming new set, Archazia's Island, let's review and update a few decks that received some...
disney lorcana archazia decks
Rodrigo William
In today's article, we'll explore a list with one of the most anticipated Pokémon from Journey Toget...
PokémonTCG Journey Together Standard Zacian
Do you like controlling who attacks and when, even more so if it's with a Voltron strategy? Then, th...
deck tech Commander Budget
Today, let's explore an Expanded list with the forgotten Grimmsnarl VMax, and Sword & Shield: Darkne...
Pokémon TCG Expanded Grimmsnarl Deck Tech Rogue
Goblins are back! The most popular creature type in Magic: The Gathering came back on turbocharged A...
legacy deck tech sideboard guide rakdos
In this article, we'll take a look at the deck played by the 2025 EUIC Senior Champion, Gabriel Fern...
Pokémon TCG EUIC Standard Senior Winner
In this article, we present five budget decklists to play the Explorer format on Magic Arena in 2025...
Explorer Budget Decks
In this article, we present five budget deck options for playing Best of One matches in Magic Arena!
Standard MTGArena Bo1 Budget
From the rise of Stock Up in several competitive formats to the prevalence of Esper Bounce as one of...
Metagame Decklists Competitive
In this article, we'll discuss the deck that won the most recent Champions League in Fukuoka! This d...
Pokémon TCG Standard Feraligatr Milotic Japan