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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Flesh and Blood
One Piece TCG
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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, you'll learn how to play with the latest OTK list in Legends of Runeterra. The Misc...
guide mischievous marai otk
Rodrigo William
Discover the single prize spread deck featuring Sun/Moon's Weezing with additional Sword/Shield Poké...
PokémonTCG Spread Damage Weezing
Meet Lance's Charizard deck, which, taking advantage of Ludicolo + Moltres's 100 damage increase str...
PokémonTCG Lance Charizard
Pedro Fernandes
A deck that is surprising everyone in this set is Mage Aggro! Check out here how to play it and win ...
legend hs decks mage hs decks aggro mage
Meet Rotom V, a Pokémon that can hit up to 720 damage at its fullest, discarding tools from the disc...
Standard Deck Tech Rotom
Meet Dewgong, a cheap Single Prize deck that can deal up to 440 damage!
Standard Dewgong
Meet Clefairy's cheap deck with damage stacking for every psychic energy attached in the entire boar...
Standard Clefairy Wyrderr
Versatile and responsive Aerodactyl VStar deck with its multiple facets of direct damage and spreads...
Standard Aerodactyl
Meet Hisuian Zoroark-VStar, one of Japan's favorite decks, straight from the Lost Origin expansion w...
Standard Zoroark Deck Tech
Complete this quick Quiz and find out which Mid Lane champion fits you the most, both in playability...
quiz midlane leagueoflegends mage
Felipe Torres
This article brings a midrange Kess, Dissident Mage decklist without Reserved List cards.
edh cedh
Barrin, Tolarian Archmage is one of the founders of the most important magician academy in Dominaria...
lore m21 coreset
Thiago Fogaça
Last week, we talked about the evolution of Storm to Kess, Dissident Mage. This fact intrigued me, s...
Cedh deck tech