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Legacy: Outlaws of Thunder Junction Review

Legacy: Outlaws of Thunder Junction Review


We've left the streets of Ravnica and went straight to the Thunder Junction deserts, where outlaws b...

Legacy thunder junction review otj

Spoiler Highlight: Satoru, the Infiltrator in Legacy

Spoiler Highlight: Satoru, the Infiltrator in Legacy


Straight from Kamigawa to Magic: The Gathering's Wild West, this Ninja represents a lot of card draw...

legacy outlaws review satory

Legacy - Beanstalk Leyline Control: Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Legacy - Beanstalk Leyline Control: Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide


Draco was a forgotten, legendary creature from Planeshift. Its scions, however, boosted by Leyline o...

Legacy leyline draco beanstalk

Legacy Metagame Review - March 2024

Legacy Metagame Review - March 2024


Let's delve deep into another review of Legacy's metagame, a format which is still incredibly divers...

legacy metagame review

Legacy Review - Fallout!

Legacy Review - Fallout!


War. War never changes. But now it will leave its marks in Legacy. Legacy has gotten another new Com...

Legacy fallout review

Legacy: Rakdos Aggro - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Legacy: Rakdos Aggro - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide


Already a force to be reckoned with in Modern, Rakdos Scam (Aggro) now shows up as a new threat in ...

Legacy rakdos scam

Legacy Review: Murders at Karlov Manor

Legacy Review: Murders at Karlov Manor


There is a scent of mystery in the air: what does Murders at Karlov Manor have reserved for Legacy? ...

legacy karlov manor review

Spoiler Highlight: Doorkeeper Thrull in Legacy

Spoiler Highlight: Doorkeeper Thrull in Legacy


Take a look: another Hatebear that has potential for Legacy! Let's analyze this new Doorkeeper that ...

Legacy karlov thrull

Legacy Deck Tech - Yorion Esper Vial: 80-Card Toolbox!

Legacy Deck Tech - Yorion Esper Vial: 80-Card Toolbox!


Aether Vial, one of the strongest Legacy cards, has recently shown up less in the usual tables. Howe...

Legacy vial esper deck tech

Spoiler Highlight: Pick Your Poison on Pauper, Modern & Legacy

Spoiler Highlight: Pick Your Poison on Pauper, Modern & Legacy


In today's article, we look at the potential of the newest comprehensive sideboard answer, Pick Your...

Pauper Modern Legacy Spoiler

Legacy Deck Tech - Lands, an Old Classic Revived!

Legacy Deck Tech - Lands, an Old Classic Revived!


Ever since Legacy is Legacy, some crazy players have played a deck focused on lands. Due to the huge...

Legacy lands deck tech

Legacy 2023 Rewind - All Changes the Format Went Through!

Legacy 2023 Rewind - All Changes the Format Went Through!


2023 was a great year for Legacy. A year that started with a tug of war between two great forces end...

legacy 2023 rewind

Legacy Deck Tech: Bant Infect

Legacy Deck Tech: Bant Infect


Simic Infect is a deck that has roamed the Legacy metagame ever since the Scars of Mirrodin block br...

Legacy infect deck tech

Legacy: No Changes in the Format - What Does This Mean?

Legacy: No Changes in the Format - What Does This Mean?


Amidst the confusion created by the bans announced for Modern and Pioneer, Legacy remained untouched...

legacy ban metagame

Legacy Deck Tech: Goblin Stompy - Unfinity and Ixalan Get Together!

Legacy Deck Tech: Goblin Stompy - Unfinity and Ixalan Get Together!


One Unfinity Goblin, one Caverns of Ixalan Commander Goblin and a Goblin Grandee walk into a bar... ...

legacy deck tech goblins

Analysis: Eternal Weekend Legacy Prague

Analysis: Eternal Weekend Legacy Prague


Let's take a look at one of the largest Legacy tournaments of 2023! Held in Prague, 713 players gath...

legacy eternal weekend metagame

Legacy Deck Tech: Beseech Storm

Legacy Deck Tech: Beseech Storm


Mirror, mirror, on the wall, is this the most explosive deck of all? The good old Storm deck (Ad Nau...

Legacy storm beseech tech

Legacy: Lost Caverns of Ixalan Review

Legacy: Lost Caverns of Ixalan Review


What do the depths of the Dinosaur plane bring to Legacy? Find out in this article! Let's Descend an...

Ixalan Legacy Set Review

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