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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Pedro Fernandes
After the last balance patch, Mech Rogue conquered some space and became the best budget deck if you...
mech rogue decks hearthstone legend
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll show you a few lists so you can get ready for the Eternal ranked meta. The Et...
guide eternal decks
In this article, we'll show you the top 5 worst cards in Pokémon Pocket, explain why they're so bad,...
opinion ptcg pokémon
We upgraded our list of the top 5 worst Legends of Runeterra cards of all time - and yes, this is ou...
highlight opinion trivia lor
In this article, check out the top three best decks to get to Legend from the first week of the Grea...
decks hearthstone legend
In this article, we'll show you the 5 most broken interactions in Standard nowadays. These combos ar...
guide standard trivia
Progenitus will be coming to Pioneer via a Foundations reprint and joins the already large number of...
Pioneer Highlight Foundation
In this article, we listed 5 fun off-meta decks to play in Masters. These lists are not very powerfu...
guide masters standard
Rodrigo William
Find out about the Japanese collection that will come in November, with themed decks for the generat...
Pokémon TCG Generations
Today, we brought you the best Eternal decks of this week, the third week of this Eternal competitiv...
guide lor eternal
Obviously, new cards always change the Hearthstone meta. Today, we'll see the top 3 best decks now t...
decks hearthstone
The Traveling Travel Agency mini-set brought us new cards! Check out which ones will affect the meta...
mini-set hearthstone new cards
This deck is one of Wild's crown jewels right now! In this article, we'll show you how to play Pirat...
pirate demon hunter wild hearthstone deck
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, we'll review the last Skirmish season and see how some heroes' departure, the ba...
LL Skirmish Zen Dash Rhinar Briar
In Legends of Runeterra, a few champions swap names, and even subtype, when they level up. We'll sho...
highlight lor trivia
In this article, I gathered some off-meta lists that recently showed up on stats websites. Perhaps b...
guide lor standard
Daniel Linhares
In the rapidly changing e-commerce market, successful companies are constantly looking for ways to o...
At Telf AG, you create your own path to success by turning ideas into successful projects. Build a s...