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One Piece TCG
Flesh and Blood
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Rafael de Melo
In today's article, let's explore one of the best heroes in Classic Constructed nowadays: Aurora. We...
aurora rosetta cc decktech
In today's article, let's review another Flesh and Blood set: The Hunted. We'll go over the new mech...
The Hunted Flesh and Blood Classic Constructed Blitz
In today's article, we'll explore one of the most beloved Flesh and Blood heroes: Ira, more specific...
ira classic constructed flesh and blood
In today's article, we'll work with Prism, Awakener of Sol, one of the most beloved Flesh and Blood ...
prism luminaris illusionist cc
In today's article, we'll analyze one of the most promising decks for the new meta: Teklovossen. Let...
Teklo FaB CC
In today's article, let's discuss hatchet-based Dorinthea - the Los Angeles Pro Tour finalist. We'll...
hatchet dorinthea CC protour
In today's article, we'll show some Classic Constructed decks for those who want to start playing th...
cc 2024 meta
Pacto das Guildas
The Murders at Karlov Manor spoiler season has begun! In today's article, I'll discuss Judith, Carna...
Standard Pioneer Explorer Commander MKM
Bright Lights is already among us! Today, we'll discuss one of the most promising decks in this set:...
Dash EVO FaB
Renan Menezes
This is a guide on how damage works in One Piece TCG, with tips and examples on how to deal lethal d...
Guide One Piece Constructed Damage Lethal
The best way to start playing any TCG is by not spending much, and, therefore, here are 5 budget dec...
budget constructed Nami Zoro
In today's article, I bring you a Classic Constructed tech deck from the Empress version of Dromai, ...
Dromai CC Deck Guide
In today's article I bring Dash's Classic Constructed Deck Tech, showing its various game possibilit...
FaB Flesh and Blood Dash Classic Constructed
In this article, I bring the most important cards of the Blitz and Classic Constructed formats, show...
Staples Flesh and Blood
Professor Rakdos
A Top 10 of the best preconstructed Commander decks ever released, ranked by Commander, Synergy, Sta...
commander edh top 10
In today's article, we take an initial look at the Dungeon mechanics, speculating what it needs to s...
d&d analysis dungeon standard