Magic: the Gathering
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Legends of Runeterra
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Pacto das Guildas
Today, we'll talk about one of the best tempo decks in Pauper, Dimir Terror - a deck with a powerful...
deck tech side guide competitive pauper
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we brought you 5 bizarre lists that are seeing some play in Standard. These decks a...
guide standard decks
Rafael de Melo
Today, we'll explore one of the best Illusionists in the entire game: Enigma. Let's review this Comm...
enigma mst commoner
Nat Almeida
Do you like building decks with more than one color, and are constantly looking for the best removal...
top removals multicolor commander
Pedro Braga
In today's article, we'll explore a resilient deck that has performed well in the west and plays som...
meta deck tech one piece tcg
Get the most out of your equipment with Eivor, Battle-Ready as your Commander!
commander deck tech assassin's creed eivor
Gabriel Nunes
Today we'll compare the trusty Abzan Greasefang with its "new" version adding Red, in order to use s...
greasefang explorer metagame
The World Championship is one of the most influential tournaments in Magic: The Gathering. In this a...
Metagame Stamdard Worlds
Antonio Carlos
In today's article, let's look at an unusual Lorcana Combo Deck, focused on winning out of nowhere w...
disney lorcana deck guide strategy combo
Oh, how I wish I was a fish to dive into this crystal-clear Legacy! Merfolk is another classic arche...
legacy deck tech merfolk
In this article, we'll show you the 5 most broken interactions in Standard nowadays. These combos ar...
guide standard trivia
In this article, we listed 5 fun off-meta decks to play in Masters. These lists are not very powerfu...
guide masters standard
In this article, we explain Gruul Delirium, a Standard deck that has started to see more results in ...
Gruul Delirium Standard Deck Guide
Universes Beyond: Assassin's Creed brought us many interesting legendary creatures! Havi, the All-Fa...
deck tech commander edh guide
In this article, we look at Dimir Ninjas, a Pioneer deck that has been performing well in recent Cha...
Pioneer Dimir Ninjas Deck Guide
After two days and 14 rounds of Swiss, the Top 8 of the World Championship 30 is defined, with 2 Dim...
Top 8 World Championship 30
In today's article, let's review a budget, yet competitive decklist, full of your favorite Dalmatian...
lorcana deck guide budget disney
In today's Deck Tech, we'll showcase the lovely but dangerous Helga, Skittish Seer, straight from th...