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An Interview with Allesandro Moretti, the Pauper Masters Online's Champion

An Interview with Allesandro Moretti, the Pauper Masters Online's Champion


Last Sunday, Alessando Moretti, better known as A_AdeptoTerra, won the Pauper Masters Online champio...

interview pauper masters

Starting in Commander: Hallar, the Firefletcher

Starting in Commander: Hallar, the Firefletcher

Eduardo Silveira

Today we're going to meet a fun deck, it has direct damage with a lot of offensive potential and gre...

EDH commander budget

Pauper Dimir Faeries Decktech and Sideboard Guide

Pauper Dimir Faeries Decktech and Sideboard Guide

Carlos BeicodeGeia

This guide covers game techniques for Dimir Faeries, from posture tips in each match, as well as a s...

pauper faeries challenge

cEDH's B-Side - Orvar, the All-Form

cEDH's B-Side - Orvar, the All-Form


Let's discuss the second deck of this new series: Orvar, the All-Form!

cedh commander

#MTGBOOTY - After all, what happened?

#MTGBOOTY - After all, what happened?


The #mtgbooty hashtag blew up on Twitter, with the MTG community posting photos in support of the am...

news community opinion mtgbooty

Tron against Walls Pauper: A hard matchup, but not impossible

Tron against Walls Pauper: A hard matchup, but not impossible


We gathered some specialists from both Brazil and Italy to talk about Tron's Matchup against Walls!

Pauper Tron Walls

Deck Tech Cascade Wall Pauper - 2021

Deck Tech Cascade Wall Pauper - 2021


Cascade has been a hit among Pauper players and today we have a deck tech on it: the Cascade Wall de...

Deck Tech Pauper

Weekly Metagame: 2021's First Challenges

Weekly Metagame: 2021's First Challenges


We're back with another Weekly Metagame, this time analyzing the first Challenges from 2021 for ever...

Standard Pauper Modern Metagame

Weekly Metagame: 2020's Last Challenges !

Weekly Metagame: 2020's Last Challenges !


Today, we will make the metagame analysis from 2020's last Challenges !

Metagame Analysis

Omnath remains in 50% of Standard Challenge's TOP 32 decklists

Omnath remains in 50% of Standard Challenge's TOP 32 decklists


We saw a smaller percentage of decks playing Omnath (from 60% to 50%) but the legendary creature sti...

standard arena

Omnath is on 60% of the Standard Challenge's TOP 32 decklists

Omnath is on 60% of the Standard Challenge's TOP 32 decklists


Uro and Omnath are dominant in Zendikar Rising's new Standard metagame

standard omnath

Combos from Zendikar Rising in all formats

Combos from Zendikar Rising in all formats


This article is a compilation of all the combos seen in Zendikar Rising by our subscribers

combo zendikar rising

Report TOP 4 in Pauper Challenge 05/09 - Hamuda with Dimir Faries

Report TOP 4 in Pauper Challenge 05/09 - Hamuda with Dimir Faries


Hey guys, Hamuda here, and today I will bring my report about the challenge of 9/6 and again with my...

pauper deck

Report of the Pauper Challenge champion  - Hamuda with Dimir Fairies

Report of the Pauper Challenge champion - Hamuda with Dimir Fairies


Here is Hamuda and today I will write a report about how I won the Pauper Challenge of the day 22/08...

siderboard guide deck tech

All combos from set Core Set 2021

All combos from set Core Set 2021


This article is a compilation of all the combos seen in Core Set 2021 by our subscribers

edh standard opinion

All cards from Zendikar Rising Art Series

All cards from Zendikar Rising Art Series


Zendikar Rising Art Series is part of the Zendikar Rising set: the art of several cards signed by th...

spoiler zendikarrising

All cards from set The List

All cards from set The List


The set The List has several cards from the history of Magic with the same frame when it was first p...


All spoilers from set Double Masters

All spoilers from set Double Masters


Double Masters will be a special set, doubling the number of rares per booster. Now is day for us to...

edh standard

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