Pokemon TCG

Deck Guide

Pokémon Pocket - Best Competitive Lists with Triumphant Light!

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In this article, we'll explore the best meta decks in Pokémon Pocket, that is, the most popular, as well as most successful, lists from grassroot tournaments. Furthermore, we'll also go through each archetype and a few versions that might be more up your alley!

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переведено Joey

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рассмотрено Joey

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  1. > Introduction
  2. > God Deck - Arceus ex, Dialga ex, & Shaymin
  3. > Lucario and Friends - Anti-Meta Fighting Deck
  4. > Mono Palkia ex & Trainers
  5. > Final Words


Today, let's discuss the best lists with Triumphant Light, the new set.

The meta has already stabilized a bit, so now we can finally see which lists are standing out, particularly in grassroot tournaments.

Let's see what the best players are playing!

God Deck - Arceus ex, Dialga ex, & Shaymin

Deck played by "Saitama
Deck played by "Saitama", who got 3rd place at the Fav - Japan Tour. 272 players competed for 200 dollars at this event.


Currently, this is the most popular as well as the strongest list in tournaments. It took many players to first place in several recent tournaments, and it is, without a question, defining the meta right now.

Its main strategy is to attach energies to your Pokémon with Dialga ex, your setup Pokémon, all while you prepare Arceus ex on your bench. Meanwhile, Shaymin will heal your Pokémon and keep them alive.

Arceus ex has shown us it is an excellent attacker, as well as, most likely, the best aggressive Pokémon in the meta. Its attack can deal up to 130 damage, which is enough to Knock Out most basic setup Pokémon. Giovanni has also become relevant again - in this archetype, it deals the last bit of damage you need to Knock Out enemy Pokémon. Depending on the matchup, it can be critical, particularly if you need to Knock Out a Pokémon with a single blow.

There's also a really strong alternative version of this archetype that uses one celestial Shaymin instead of two land-bound Shaymin. This means you can get your Pokémon back without playing Leaf, which can disrupt your game plan because you can only play one Trainer per turn. With the celestial Shaymin, you only need to play 1 X Speed to retreat Arceus ex and Dialga ex. You don't need to play any other Trainers.

Deck played by "MachuTCG" at the Pocket Turtle Weekly, one of the most popular grassroot events.
Deck played by "MachuTCG" at the Pocket Turtle Weekly, one of the most popular grassroot events.

One of this list's greatest strengths is that Dialga ex is weak against Fire Pokémon, which are not that popular nowadays. However, Arceus ex is weak against Fighting Pokémon, and these are dominating the meta. In fact, they're the second-best archetype in the format.

Lucario and Friends - Anti-Meta Fighting Deck

Deck played by "Sakugao
Deck played by "Sakugao", the runner-up at the Hellekkari's Aurora Borealis Tournament Open.

This is the second-best deck in the format, as well as a direct answer to Arceus ex. The advantage of the Fighting type is essential in these matchups, but that's not always enough. Still, while we tried to build a counter deck for Arceus, we ended up with a list that, besides great against these decks, is also excellent against the rest of the meta.

The main game plan is to use Sudowoodo as an aggressive frontline Pokémon. It deals more damage to Pokémon ex, so it is a threat to any list that relies on these Pokémon to set up.

While Sudowoodo deals a lot of damage, you'll set up and evolve Lucario and Rampardos on your bench. With them, you can deal up to 150 damage to your opponent, which is more than enough to Knock Out anything in the meta.

This list is extremely flexible and, the best of all, it is budget-friendly, so you'll have no trouble finding the cards to build it. Actually, most players can probably build this deck before they can build Arceus ex.


There's also an alternative version of this archetype with Gallade ex.

Deck played by <strong class=CaptGary1, who got 1st place at the CEBU Global Open #5."/>
Deck played by CaptGary1, who got 1st place at the CEBU Global Open #5.

This version with Gallade ex is supposed to make the matchup against Arceus ex decks even better. As Gallade ex deals more damage depending on how many energies your opponent uses, it is perfect against lists with Dialga ex, as they often attach more energies than they need to.

Mono Palkia ex & Trainers

Deck played by "Yakinta
Deck played by "Yakinta", who competed at the Hellekkari's Aurora Borealis Tournament Open.

Another deck that is slowly becoming more popular is this Palkia ex list that focuses on Trainers.

The idea is to make the entire deck as consistent as possible by using only 1 Water Pokémon, Palkia ex. The rest of the list is just lots and lots of Trainers.

This strategy slowly became popular again because of Irida, one of this set's new Trainers. She heals your Water Pokémon, and, as such, makes this entire strategy more resilient.

There are also a few versions of this list with Articuno ex.

Deck played by <strong class=Nexxzz, who competed at the Hellekkari's Aurora Borealis Tournament Open."/>
Deck played by Nexxzz, who competed at the Hellekkari's Aurora Borealis Tournament Open.

Articuno ex has been out for a while now, so many players already have it and play it. However, it doesn't deal a lot of damage at once: its attack only deals 80 damage, which is rarely enough.

Yet... Articuno ex deals damage to the enemy bench, which means you'll be able to Knock Out benched Pokémon that are put in the active spot later on, as they'll be damaged.

Final Words

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